Thursday, October 13, 2011


Scientists are researching and testing for methods to prolong life and clone humans. Cryogenics is a technology that represents a rhyme of history. The science of cryogenics allows an individual to have his or her remains frozen in liquid nitrogen until a cure can be found for the cause of death.

Cryogenics rekindles the ancient Egyptian mummification process in which Egyptians believed the dead would be transformed into an afterlife and would need to take material things with them. Individuals would bury their loved ones with their material possessions. Egyptians paid large sums of money to have their bodies preserved in tombs. Those who could not afford tombs were buried in the sand.

A technology that represents a rhyme of history is cryogenics/nanobots to preserve humans until a point in the future when they can be revived to live again. Scientists hope to use nanotechnology to manipulate atoms to build and repair human cells and tissues. Nanotechnology will be used to repair cellular damage and other elements that cause aging and disease. Although the number of cryogenics facilities and clients has increased, this is a controversial subject. Cryogenics has received criticism and opposition because critics believe this process is a waste of money and an injustice to individuals who will be revived into a society in which they will be maladjusted.


Thornburg, D (n.d.) Rhymes of History. Retrieved from

Ancient Egypt

Cryogenics: Living Forever may come sooner than you think
How cryonics works.

How Nanotechnology works

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