Friday, September 30, 2011

Cinematography Motion Pictures Tetrad


The Cinematography Motion Pictures Tetrad:


Ability to allow more than one person to view movies
Allows viewers to congregate outside their homes—social connections
Brings reality into homes
Connects reality with fiction


Traveling shows
Magic lantern (1800s)
Kinetoscope---(Motion picture projector-- allowed one person to view a movie
Live radio shows
Movies made exclusively for television


Greek and Roman Sports Arena
Live Theatrical Productions
Opera House
Saloon shows


Video Tape Recorder (VTR)
Video Cassette Recorder (VCR)
On-Demand movies—same day as in theater movies
Satellite movies
Digital films
Smart phones


Thornburg, D. (2008b). McLuhan’s Laws of Media. Barrington, IL: Thornburg Center for Space Exploration.

Adventures in cybersound. Retrieved from:

History of Motion pictures. Retrieved from

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Emerging Technology---Biometrics (Fingerprint identification in schools)

Module 1

Emerging Technology---Biometrics---- Fingerprinting identification in education

Identify a current technology that has emerged in the last few years that shapes learning or productivity in your industry.

Biometrics has emerged in the last years to shape productivity in educational settings.
School officials used biometric fingerprinting in place of swipe cards to allow students to register, use the library, and purchase meals.

What problems or challenges have been associated with this technology?

Although fingerprint identification is viewed as more efficient than swipe cards, some oppose the fingerprinting system because it breaches students’ security. Some believe this system is an invasion of one’s privacy. Some believe fingerprint identification has the same type of stigma that is associated with criminals. If full fingerprint images are used, this present a problem for theft so individuals must safeguard numeric templates and destroy information once an individual leaves a school. Some school officials often resort entering data by hand or scanning ID cards whenever this technology and/or software won’t work.

What societal need does it meet, and what are its benefits?

Fingerprint identification can be used to insure accountability and minimize errors. For example, students may attempt to use another student’s ID to access the library or computer system, but fingerprinting technology minimizes those risks.

What would make this technology even better, avoiding the pitfalls you identified?

Designers might create efficient methods to safeguard data against theft, destruction, and damage. Fingerprint identification designers might safeguard data by selecting two people who could access the program. Either of the two could access the system at any given time. If anyone other than these two individuals attempts to access the identification system, the program would self-destruct. Educational officials would have a secret backup system to restore these files. Parents should be educated on the positive and negative aspects of using the identification system.

Biometric technology Fingerprinting identification in schools.

Valeria Shanks